Wednesday 23 February 2011

Spoilt for Choice in the Big Smoke

I'm still catching my breath after a long weekend in London this past weekend. We had four full days to pack in as much as we could and my feet are glad to be back in Belfast for a rest!

This may not be the best photograph I've ever taken but I love the simplicity of the statement emblazoned on the Tate Modern, "Enjoy Great Art for Free". So many iconic artworks in one city and we only got to visit Tate Modern, The National Gallery and The National Portrait Gallery. In this age of multimedia overload it is easy to become blase about art. We are surrounded by images everywhere from magazines to Wikipedia to online advertising. Who hasn't seen Holbein's, The Ambassadors? Sunflowers by Van Gogh? Constable's, The Haywain? It would be surprising to meet someone not familiar with these works. It is all the more astonishing then to see them in person and to be able to stand centimetres away from them and examine every brushstroke. This is how they were intended to be viewed, not on a dull lifeless LCD screen or glossy magazine page. It is difficult to put into words how awe inspiring it is to be in the very privileged position of seeing art as it was created.

When was the last time you visited a museum or gallery? Go on do it!

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