Sunday 26 September 2010

On the Conker Trail

Did I mention I liked autumn? It has always been my favourite season and even as a child going back to school after the long summer holidays couldn't dampen my enthusiasm. It is also a great time of year for an outdoor photo session. We all went out today to look for conkers and I couldn't resist snapping the children in full flight. It all became very competitive at one point- the tally for each was of great interest and when Jamie resorted to throwing large sticks up into the tree to dislodge any loose fruit still attached I knew it was all getting a bit too serious. Another few weeks and the reds and golds will be at their best. Gorgeous!

Friday 24 September 2010

Cosy Time

Autumn is my favourite season. I love the smell of it- the Hallowe'en smokey aura in the late evening. I love the autumn colours and even the cold that begins to descend now. Most of all I love the cosiness of it all. Coming home at night and drawing the blinds, putting on the lights and cranking up the central heating.

Autumn is a season you can depend on. The leaves always redden and fall, the nights always lengthen and the temperatures always fall. There is no ambiguity, no impatience waiting for it. Who could say the same for summer? I for one am glad to pack away the summer shoes and clothes that didn't get much of an airing and happily rummage for warmer knits. Bring it on!

Monday 13 September 2010

Can You Tell What It Is Yet?

Saturday marked the beginning of Jamie's Birthday Week. My first-born will be ten this week and I am experiencing the confusion that sets in every year at this time. How on earth did that happen? How did that little bundle morph into a fully functioning, intelligent, gorgeous, perfectly-formed boy? It was only just a little while ago we were feeding and changing and bathing him.

Yesterday my parents came over for dinner. It was actually a thank you for them for helping out (as always) but it turned into a mini birthday dinner as they came armed with presents and chocolate birthday cake.
The diet starts again today...

Friday 10 September 2010

Back to School Blues

"Oh Mum, I don't want to go to school"
"I know, darling. I don't want to go to work either but I have to and you three have to go to school!"

This is part of our morning routine every weekday. I don't think the children even mean it- it's just their daily mantra, part of the rhythm of life here at seven o'clock. By this time I'll have been up for around an hour and I'll have showered and dressed, dried my hair and put on my make-up. In many ways this is one of my favourite times of the day. I love padding about the house while everyone else sleeps. I love hearing the little sounds from their dreams, shuffling and snuffling. The tranquility, of course, is short lived and chaos reigns once I announce it's time to get up.

I suppose then it's only right that on weekends the tables are turned. The children need no cajoling to get out of bed. They delight in making as much noise as possible and there is no chance for us to have a lie-in.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thursday 2 September 2010

Snapshots are Priceless

Professional portraits are fantastic- they show us at our absolute best, all scrubbed up and looking lovely and will probably be handed down the generations. They're worth every penny in my opinion, but then I would say that, wouldn't I ;-)

On the other hand, snapshots give us a different take on things. This, for example is a snapshot I took on Monday of my lovely Mum and wonderful Aunt. They called round to see me and and the children and I took a quick couple of shots while they were there. I didn't set up any lighting or pop-up backgrounds or direct them into artistic poses, just took a quick snap to remember the afternoon.

Now, as a photographer I can honestly say this is a pretty poor shot- the cluttered distracting background for a start means it would never have been seen by a client. But the cluttered distracting background is what makes a great snapshot to me. How many times have you looked at old photographs and pored over every detail in it? Isn't it fascinating to look at the wallpaper that adorned our grandparents' walls? The detail that illustrates how they lived their lives way back then. Yes, professional portraits are to be treasured but don't stop snapping!