Thursday 2 September 2010

Snapshots are Priceless

Professional portraits are fantastic- they show us at our absolute best, all scrubbed up and looking lovely and will probably be handed down the generations. They're worth every penny in my opinion, but then I would say that, wouldn't I ;-)

On the other hand, snapshots give us a different take on things. This, for example is a snapshot I took on Monday of my lovely Mum and wonderful Aunt. They called round to see me and and the children and I took a quick couple of shots while they were there. I didn't set up any lighting or pop-up backgrounds or direct them into artistic poses, just took a quick snap to remember the afternoon.

Now, as a photographer I can honestly say this is a pretty poor shot- the cluttered distracting background for a start means it would never have been seen by a client. But the cluttered distracting background is what makes a great snapshot to me. How many times have you looked at old photographs and pored over every detail in it? Isn't it fascinating to look at the wallpaper that adorned our grandparents' walls? The detail that illustrates how they lived their lives way back then. Yes, professional portraits are to be treasured but don't stop snapping!

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